Welcome to our blog

This will be our online home for the next little bit, while our website gets upgraded. It's pretty cosy - got a nice fridge that came with it actually, which is well bonus. Stick around and have a sniff about. We'll post news and what not about our happenings when we get the chance.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Collaterly_Sisters on Vigilantelope

Just found this really lovely post about Vigilantelope by Collaterly_Sisters at www.messandnoise.com

Really lovely to stumble across such kind words from a stranger. Thanks for your support!

Collaterly_Sisters  said about 1 month ago:

Wow. Busy month. Did anyone else happen to catch a young troupe at Trades called Vigilantelope? I went in knowing nothing and was preparing myself for the possibility it could be patchy and undergraduate. I came out thinking this could well have been the best show of the festival (that I'd seen anyway). And I caught the Barry winners (The Pajama Men) on the first night of the fest and was convinced there was no way anything could top them this year. I think I was proven wrong on the final night. Astonishing, face-hurtingly hilarious, utterly ridiculous (while still maintaining a coherent story - a problem that so many other acts with absurdist leanings struggle with), amazing writing and even better formation dancing. Where the hell did these kids come from? It's probably not a big call to predict they'll have their own ABC/SBS show within two years, which is slightly jealousy-inducing.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bye Bye Comedy Festival

So, the comedy festival is well and truly over, and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing support for the group, the show, and independent comedy.

This was our first comedy festival, and we never anticipated that it would go so well. A sold out season, a Golden Gibbo Award nomination, great reviews, and wonderful audiences made this an absolute dream run. Without you, it would have just been a run. A long, strenuous run with a niggling ankle injury along an uninspiring suburban route. So thankyou. You are the best.

Vigilantelope is now gearing up for a few exciting projects. Expect to hear more from us in the coming weeks about upcoming Vigilantelope appearances.

We are also excited to announce that we are planning an encore season of "Tale of the Golden Lease" for the Melbourne Fringe Festival this year. So if you, your mum, or any of your friends missed out, this will be your last chance to see the show that for one reviewer "…ultimately restored [his] faith in the art of comedy, theatre and performance." (The Pun) Details about the Fringe run of the show will be posted here as they become available.